A big renovation in “Little” Washington.

Our Story

In 2021, we began the journey of renovating a historic building with a clear vision and abundant encouragement, especially from our fathers, both named Tony. Our mission was straightforward: to turn an abandoned, run-down office space into a welcoming retreat that marries modern conveniences with the building's inherent charm.

Our dedication to preserving the originality of the structure led us to retain as much of the authentic materials as possible, such as the historic flooring, double-hung windows, and exposed brick walls. Essential updates were inevitable; we replaced outdated electrical systems, introduced modern plumbing, and reconfigured the layout to include bathrooms. A significant milestone was reached in January 2023 when the team successfully installed a new elevator and shaft.

The transformation wouldn't have been possible without our team, notably Tony Allen and his crew, who played a pivotal role in managing contractors and crafting solutions on-site. The support from the city of Washington has been tremendous, proving instrumental in realizing this project.

We invite you to join us at our premium vacation rentals, a project born from our dedication and hard work. It's more than just a place to stay; it's a piece of history we've lovingly restored, blending the old with the new. Here, every guest becomes a part of the building's ongoing story. We've poured our hearts into creating a welcoming space for you.

So, come stay with us—be a part of our story and make some memories of your own. Welcome to our labor of love.

“There isn’t anyone crazy enough to take on a project like that, the place is falling in.” - Pedestrian Contractor On The Sidewalk 2022